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Lyndall is Australian performing artist working in London as an actor, Fight Director and Teacher of Dramatic Combat with the British Academy of Dramatic Combat.  She runs Captivate Action Ltd., the first UK-based company to provide performers and training specifically for motion capture / performance capture, as well as providing for theatre and film.  Lyndall studied acting at London’s ArtsEd School of Acting and continues to work professionally (also as co-director of theatre company Thrice Ninth Productions).  Her background is in dance, gymnastics, music and a range of sports, and finds it thrilling to draw on these with fight work as well as to collaborate with artists with a variety of skills.


Lyndall currently teaches at the London MET Film School, The Victorian College of the Arts (Australia), The Actors Centre London and The Tobacco Factory Bristol, and recently at the Australian Women’s Circus and Circomedia.  Captivate Action Ltd. also hosts the unique Performance Capture Intensive Course in collaboration with the University of Portsmouth.   


copyright 2022
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